In nature, nothing is perfect, and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful. Those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
Working with digital media and sculpture, this work embraces designs of nature’s imperfect perfectness. The natural landscape is simultaneously beautiful, bizarre, threatening, marvelous, and uncanny. Similar to the Hogarthian S-Curve, trees consist of curves, bends, and contortions that completely add to their complexity and beauty. Through the seemingly simple and obscure openness of meaning, The Garden draws from the human (or posthuman hybrid) to provoke feelings of the (ir)rational and (un)recognizable that present the viewer with a reflective body and human preoccupations.

The Garden, 2021. Clay, acrylic paint, moss, leather, tree stump, metal base, acrylic clear coat, tissue paper.
Digital/sculptural installation. Single-channel floor projection. 24” H x 16” W x 12” D.
Digital/sculptural installation. Single-channel floor projection. 24” H x 16” W x 12” D.